The Flanders-China Chamber of Commerce (FCCC) has the pleasure to invite you to a webinar about the digital technology reforms that China put in place to face the situation (a legal framework for digital contracting; e-signatures/e-chops; electronic evidence; and development of judicial practice) and the debt recovery solution in case of contract issue. This subject is set forth by Mr. Philippe Snel, Partner at Da Wo Law Firm.
10h00-10h05: Introduction by Ms. Gwenn Sonck, Executive Director, Flanders-China Chamber of Commerce;
10h05-10h50: Talk on China’s reforms to enable digital solutions in contracts and debt recovery for breaches of contract by Mr. Philippe Snel, Partner, Da Wo Law Firm;
10h50-11h00: Q&A Session.
This webinar will take place on October 26, 2021 at 10h00.
This event is free for Members and non-Members of the FCCC.