On March 21st, the China Platform of Ghent University will celebrate its 15th anniversary at 'Het Pand' in Ghent. During this one day event, the Flanders-China Chamber of Commerce and Ghent University, are organizing a panel discussion focused on “Innovation and R&D: future prospects with China”, which will take place from 13h30 till 15h00.
The program consists of a morning part with two panel sessions, focusing respectively on education and research; and an afternoon part, which will start with our panel session focused on Innovation and R&D, followed by a plenary session with keynote speeches by some of the distinguished guests. The program will be officially concluded with a presentation of the new book of the China Platform describing the Ghent University China cooperation over the past 15 years. This 1-day program will be concluded with a networking reception that will allow the participants to “mix and mingle”.
Important notice: participants who cannot physically attend the event are kindly requested to register themselves as well in order to obtain the link for livestreaming.
The speakers of the panel discussion on Innovation and R&D include:
Mr Kurt Vandeputte, Chairman of the Flanders-China Chamber of Commerce and Senior Vice-President Government Affairs, Umicore
Mr Luc Semeese, Vice-President Manufacturing Engineering, Volvo Cars
Mrs Veerle Van Wassenhove, Vice-President Research & Innovation, Bekaert
Moderator: Ms Gwenn Sonck, Executive Director, Flanders-China Chamber of Commerce
Mr Wim Van Camp, General Manager, Ghent University Tech Transfer Office
Mr Birk Vanderweeën , General Manager Europe, Legend Biotech
9h00 to 10h45: Panel session “Research: what opportunities for future sustainable collaborations?”
11h15 to 12h30: Panel session “Vision on the developments in education: an internationalization for all strategy”
13h30 to 15h00: Panel session “Innovation and R&D: future prospects with China”
15h30 to 17h00: Plenary session in the presence of:
- H.E. Mrs Sophie Wilmès, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Affairs and Foreign Trade and the Federal Cultural Institutions (TBC)
- H.E. Cao Zhongming, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to the Kingdom of Belgium (TBC)
- Prof. Rik Van de Walle, Rector of Ghent University
- Prof. Mieke Van Herreweghe, Vice-Rector of Ghent University
- Mr Jean Cornet d’Elzius, Director Asia – Pacific, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
and the representatives of the Strategic Partnership China:
- Mrs An Vervliet, Deputy of the Province of East-Flanders
- Mr Mathias De Clercq, Mayor of the City of Ghent
- Mrs Kate Verslype, Advisor Multimodality & Rail, Commercial Affairs department, North Sea Port
- Mr Kurt Vandeputte, Chairman of the Flanders-China Chamber of Commerce
Presentation of the third publication of the China Platform by Prof. Dr. Luc Taerwe, Director China Platform, Ghent University
17h00 to 18h00: Reception “Mix and Mingle”