The Flanders-China Chamber of Commerce (FCCC) has the pleasure to invite you to an exclusive networking lunch with the designate Consul General of Belgium in Shanghai. This event is an excellent opportunity to introduce your company's businesses in China and Belgium to the designate Consul General.

The programme is as follows:

12h00-12h30: Registration and networking

12h30-12h35: Introduction by Mr. Philippe Latour, Chairman, Flanders-China Chamber of Commerce

12h35-12h45: Speech by Mr. Pascal Buffin, designate Consul General of Belgium in Shanghai

12h45: Networking lunch

Practical information:

Deadline: June 26, 2024

Date and time: July 2, 2024,

12h00 Location: De Warande, Zinnerstraat 1, 1000 Brussels

Date: 02.07.2024
Location: 'De Warande' - Brussels
Price members: €125
Price non members: €165
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