UNIZO Group business trip along the New Silk Road in Europe - 29 January – 1 February 2024 – Antwerp, Duisburg and Warsaw

UNIZO Group business trip along the New Silk Road in Europe - 29 January – 1 February 2024 – Antwerp, Duisburg and Warsaw

The Silk Road is a legendary network of caravan routes facilitating trade between East Asia and the Mediterranean. The route passes centuries-old cities like Damascus, Constantinople, Samarkand, Antiochia, Xian and others. In 2013 Chinese President Xi Jinping announced the development of a “New Silk Road” by rail and sea. Less than two years later, the first container train from China arrived in Rotterdam. Meanwhile, trains from China regularly arrive in our country. Goods transport by rail is cheaper than air transport, faster than sea transport, but more importantly a lot more sustainable.

Interesting for you as an entrepreneur to get to know the New Silk Road as it is a very hot topic! Besides a kick-off and e-book, UNIZO International is now launching the New Silk Road 4Discoverers. During this group business trip we discover what the New Silk Road has to offer through visits to important cities along the route and logistical hubs of goods transport by rail. This group business trip will be split into two parts: a European part and a Central-Asia part.

During the first part we discover a few well-known European logistical hubs: the Port of Antwerp, the inland port of Duisburg and the dry port of Malaszewicze. Do you want to learn more about multimodal transport and the possibilities of goods transport by rail? In that case, this group business trip is something for you!

The second part will take place from 21 to 27 April 2024 and takes us to Central Asia.

A preliminary program is available here (in Dutch).

Practical information:

Date: Monday 29 January – Thursday 1 February 2024

Itinerary: Departure from Brussels via Antwerp to Duisburg and Warsaw

Price: €2,300 excl.VAT for UNIZO members / non-members: €2,700 excl. VAT

Organizer: Omnia Travel in cooperation with UNIZO International and Flanders Investment & Trade

Email: internationaal@unizo.be Tel.: 02-2122678